How to completely uninstall U1 client from OS X

Solution 1:

We would love to have the opportunity to solve your problems with it - if you contact support at we will investigate.

In particular the menubar helper not quitting is a bug that I'd personally like to hear more about - if you have the time, a bug report that describes in more detail what you did and what the context was, and includes the log files from ~/Library/Caches/ubuntuone/ (those will contain file names, so you can mark it as private), would be really helpful - the place to file that bug would be here:

If you would still rather completely remove the Mac client, here's how:

First quit the service (not just the control panel app) using the quit menu item in the menubar helper. (If that doesn't work, force quit everything with 'ubuntuone' in its name using Activity Monitor).

If you never run the app again, the ~/Ubuntu One/ folder is just another folder and nothing will change it.

You could stop here in case you would like to try using it again in the future.

To continue and really wipe everything:

  1. Drag Ubuntu to the trash.

  2. Remove the following data and log folders:

    ~/Library/Application Support/ubuntuone/syncdaemon
    ~/Library/Application Support/ubuntuone/shares (NOTE: this deletes shared folders, copy any files you want to keep out first.)
  3. Remove the background fsevents monitor, which watches for changes in the file system: from the terminal, type sudo launchctl remove This will prompt you for your administrator password. (The fsevents monitor does nothing if the syncdaemon process is not running, so this is not strictly necessary).