Wanted: Apple Script for copying file name and pasting it in Spotlight Comment box Mac OS X 10.8.5

Solution 1:

This AppleScript ask you to choose some files, after that, it set the comment of each file to the file name.

set input to choose file with prompt "Select files (to put the file name into the Spotlight Comment)" with multiple selections allowed
tell application "Finder"
    repeat with i in input
        tell item i to try
            set tName to (get name)
            set comment to tName -- this set the comment to the name of the file, and delete the existing comment
            set name to "Done_" & tName
        end try
    end repeat
end tell

If you want to append the file name to the existing comments, change the sixth line in the script to set comment to (get comment) & " " & tName -- this append the name of the file to the existing comment