How do I exclude directories from my Windows 7 backup?

Solution 1:

You could use a another program instead of the built-in windows utility. I use GFI Backup Home Edition ( ) - it's a free version that works pretty well and let's you exclude a directory that's inside a directory you want to back up. It has a good number of available options, and backs up as a copy (so you can still browse through the backup) or as a zip.

Solution 2:

If you select the "Let me Choose" option, you can do this. The trick is to ignore (uncheck all boxes in) the section labeled "Data Files". Then, you can select all the folders you want in the "Computer" section.

If you initially check the box under your Users\accountname\ folder, it will check all the subfolders. Then you can drill down and individually un-check the subfolders that you don't want.

If you use this method, you won't need to do the hack where you put all of the files that you don't want to back up in some subdirectory of one of the "libraries" that Windows recognizes.

This link shows the screens in more detail, but it ignores the method I propose. The most important screenshot is the one with the "What do you want to backup?" dialog.

Solution 3:

Do you get this screen? Windows Backup

I'd assume chosing "Let me choose" would get you to the desired options...