How to install NodeJS project locally without internet connection?

Solution 1:

You can install packages on a system without internet connection by packing them using built-in functionality in npm. This way, the node modules will be installed properly.

  1. Create a package.json.
  2. In your package.json, list all the modules you need under bundledDependencies (docs on npm).
  3. Run npm install to install your node files before packing.
  4. Create a tarball with npm pack.
  5. Copy the tarball over to the machine without internet connection.
  6. Install the modules with npm install <filename>.


Regarding your comments, it looks like your globally installed node modules isn't found.

Try using the npm link command (docs on npm link):

  1. cd yourAppFolder
  2. npm link node-windows

Solution 2:

1 - In system with internet access install module with this command:

npm install [module name]

2 - go to %userprofile%\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules[module name]\ (e.g C:\Users\janson\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\grunt-cli)
3 - run npm pack
4 - this should result in a [module name]-x.y.z.tgz file
5 - run npm i -g [module name]-x.y.z.tgz in offline system