Fallout Shelter no longer seems to be dropping legendary items in the wasteland?

After installing the first patch, followers sent to the wasteland have yet to return any legendary (yellow) items.

Previously my followers would return 1-3 items on each run.

Can anyone else confirm this behavior, or better yet explain what I need to do to get my explorers finding legendary items again.

Solution 1:

It is still possible to get legendary items, however, the chance is low. You wil most likely hit the 100 item limit before getting a legendary item. Looking at the game code for Android:

num = (timeForCertainSuccess * 60 * Random) / TimeExplored;
ItemRarity itemRarity = Normal;
if (num < 0.1)
  itemRarity = Legendary;
else if (num < 0.2)
  eitemRarity = EItemRarity.Rare;

The item chance is based on some modifier * 60 * random value, all divided by the total time the dweller has explored. If the chance value is less than 0.1, then the item will be legendary.