I'm trying to create a scoreboard sidebar for a map I'm making and it needs to be the total amount of zombies killed. I also want it to add 10 points for each zombie killed and display when the player presses tab. Unfortunately I know nothing about scoreboard and can't seem to find the answer anywhere else. Please help!

Solution 1:

You can read more about scoreboards on the Minecraft Wiki

In order to award points based on the number of kills, you'll need a Redstone Clock to check if an objective's score for a player is greater than 1, act upon it and reset that to 0.

This can be done with the scoreboard selector modifier:

/scoreboard players add @a[scoreboard_{Zombie Kills Objective Short Name}_min={Value}] {Dummy Objective Short Name} 10

Remember that to keep track of score, you need a dummy objective.

As for creating a method of tracking (objective that counts up after every) zombie kills, you can do this by measuring the 'Zombies Killed' stat.

/scoreboard objectives add {Short Name} stat.killEntity.Zombie {Full Display Name}