Create a symbolic link do navigate with cd
Solution 1:
The problem with creating a symbolic link in that manner is that you are limited to where the symbolic link is created. It also adds to the problem if you have a directory ../d/..
somewhere on your system.
There are a couple of ways to solve this....
Create an Alias
In terminal, you can create an alias by issuing the command
alias cdd='cd ~/Documents'
The benefit here is that it will work anywhere without having to add it to your PATH.
To make it permanent, add the command to your .bash_profile
in your home directory.
Make a variable cd-able
Also, in your .bash_profile
add the following
shopt -s cdable_vars
export Docs=$HOME/Documents
Now, when you type cd Docs
it will expand out HOME
to whatever your user directory is plus the directory you specified. (/Users/yourusername/Documents
Personally, I did this with a variable called icloud as follows:
export icloud=$HOME/Library/Mobile\ Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/
Now, I can reference my iCloud documents location without having to remember that lengthy path.
Solution 2:
You can define variables pointing to your directories. For example:
[~]$ export d=~/Documents
[~]$ ls -l $d
[~]$ cd $d
In bash you can use cdable_vars
option to be able to cd
without preceding $
[~]$ shopt -s cdable_vars
[~]$ export d=~/Documents
[~]$ cd d
But it does not allow dropping $
for other commands, so ls -l d
won't work.