Solution 1:

You may do it manually for the second and succeeding citations by editing the field.

Right click on the citation and select the "Edit Field" option.

For example, if the original citation was this:

(Johnson, Meyer, Lewis, Czerny, & Carroll, 2013)

The citation field would be something like this:

CITATION John13 \l 1033

If you edit it to this:

CITATION John13 \n \t \l 1033 \f "Johnson, et al., " (The space before the last quotation mark is important!)

It becomes:

(Johnson, et al., 2013)

Solution 2:

Try searching for "Word APA citation" or "BibWord APA". You can get an XSL file that you copy into the Word Bibliography\Styles subdirectory of your Word directory. I did that when I needed to use IEEE citation format, and it worked pretty well.

You may need to install the BibWord Extender to get it to say "et al.", not sure.

  • installation
  • IEEE style
  • example APA XSL file