Performing 128 bit math in nodejs

This may work for you:

npm install big.js

It claims to be a small, fast JavaScript library for arbitrary-precision decimal arithmetic.

Try this.


npm install int

and see if that works for you -- it is supposedly handling arbitrary precision integer

documentation here;

There is list of similar packages if that specific package does not work for you;

News from the year 2020:

Node.js (version 10.4.0+) supports BigInts, which are arbitrarily large integers.

  • They can be created by appending an n to a number, or by calling BigInt(), for example
    • 123n
    • BigInt(123)
  • Operators +, *, -, /, **, % work as with numbers
  • Operator / truncates the result to an integer
  • Operators <<, >>, <<< work as with numbers
  • Operator >>> does not work
  • 123n == 123, but 123n !== 123 (they are different types)

For more information see: MDN web docs BigInt