What iPhone model is shown in Apple's Recycling video?
In Apple's most recent event, they highlighted their environmentally-friendly products. One of their videos sported a robot named Liam, who would disassemble iPhones once they were in need of recycling.
However, in the video I couldn't place the iPhone shown on the disassembly line. I've included an image below. Can somebody identify it? Or is it not an iPhone in the current lineup, something different or...dare I say...new?
Looks like it has a flush camera lens, which is something the newer models don't have. That's what's confusing me.
Link to the video is right here, at the bottom of the page.
Solution 1:
Judging by the guts of it, the size, and the finish, I am going to say that this is an
iPhone 6
It's too big and rounded to be a 5/5S series or earlier. Assuming that it's not the iPhone 7 (which hasn't even hit the prototype phase), we can narrow it down to a iPhone 6 or 6S. There is one slight difference between the two:
In our little video we see that it has only the iPhone name on it:
So, that's why I say it's an