How do I make the folders and files wrap on Finder in Mac OSX?

The two screenshot below show what I mean. This is a window maximized:

enter image description here

This is the same window but at half the screen width:

enter image description here

Now, you can clearly see that the folders and files are not all showing when Finder is half the width of the screen. The remaining folders and files are still to the right of the screen and if you expand Finder to your right, you can see them.

I don't really like this behaviour. In Windows Explorer, if you have files and folders displayed along the full width of the screen, when you shrink Windows Explorer to half the width of the screen, the folders and file rearrange themselves so everything is still visible on screen.

How can I get the same effect on Mac?

Right click in the window [not over an icon]

  • To one-time reorganise -
    Clean Up By > [any choice]
  • To permanently reorganise [live updating] -
    Arrange By >[anything except None]

enter image description here