Polite or unrectified placement of the word please

I would please prefer to take both parts of the test on Monday.

Is the placement of the word please in this sentence grammatically correct?

It feels better at the end of the sentence.

I would prefer to take both parts of the test on Monday, please.

But a rewording offers a better request.

May I please take both parts of the test on Monday?

It is correct, but I would have expressed this version if I were you:

I humbly request you to allow me to take both parts of the test on Monday.

(You can also use sincerely or kindly instead of humbly)

Or this one:

It would be my pleasure If you can allow me to take both parts of the test on Monday.

(you can also use a delight in place of my pleasure)

Please for Requests : (ESL- about.com)

The placements could be many.

When 'please' is used in order to make requests more polite. It is is added to the end of polite question and is preceded by a comma. Notice that 'please' is placed at the beginning when giving instructions to make the order a little more polite.

  • May I use your telephone, please?

  • Please fill in this form.

You can ask-

Could I take both parts of the test on Monday, please?


Could I please take both parts of the test on Monday.