Screenshot Tools to Capture Scrolling Windows

As the title of the Question states, I want to know what are the tools available for Ubuntu which would allow me to take screenshots of "Scrolling Windows" ie; tall webpages, tall nautilus window which contains lots of files and folders etc. as a single image file.

For the sake of clarity, I have already seen this question. However, I am specifically looking for tools to capture Scrolling Windows.

As an example, my personal favorite for Microsoft Windows is DuckCapture. It's light on resources and helps me take beautiful screenshots. Is there anything close to it available for Ubuntu?

Solution 1:

If you're using Firefox you can use the dev console to capture a screeshot of an entire web page. Use Shift+F2 to open the dev console. The basic command for capturing an entire webpage looks like this:

screenshot fileName --fullpage  

Which will save a screenshot of the entire webpage as fileName.png in your Downloads folder. This will be huge and some photo viewers can't handle it, but it has good quality. If you'd rather copy the screenshot to your clipboard you can use this command:

screenshot --clipboard --fullpage

You can also set a delay (in seconds):

screenshot fileName --delay seconds --fullpage

Solution 2:

This feature has been discussed many times, for example at Ubuntuforums, but there aren't really any perfect solutions apart from the workarounds listed on that forum, as none of the screenshot applications for Linux based systems seem to have the desired functionality.

However, it appears that Shutter can capture tall, scrolling webpages (and local file:/// locations) if you install the necessary plugin:

sudo apt-get install gnome-web-photo

Then restart shutter, click the globe to get this dialog and then enter the desired url.

enter image description here

In the resulting tall webpage further below I've tried to reduce the image quality and size a bit (it's just 31kb now).

You can also use this website screenshot feature for local uris such as file:///home/mike/bin but you only get a list view of the files, but a tall one at that. This may be of some use for you, but it probably isn't ideal.

Shutter doesn't currently support taking scrolling screenshots of your files in your file manager's windows, although the developer is said to be targeting 0.90 as the release that will include the new functionality, as noted at Launchpad. However, it doesn't seem to be in the latest release. There seems to be problems in implementing the functionality, as the developer notes that there are still 'several unsolved problems':

1) The scrolling is not the same in all application, e.g. firefox scrolls 50px and nautilus 35px when you use the mouse wheel
2) How to detect the last screenshot to take? I've a partly working solution here by comparing the screenshots...

It is a useful feature and one I will research further to see how it could be implemented, although at least scrolling webpages (as below) can be captured in Shutter with the gnome-web-photo plugin.

enter image description here

Solution 3:

I'm using this awesome browser plugin.

Restrictions: Capture web pages only.

enter image description here


  • Capture visible part
  • Capture any region
  • Capture the whole page
  • Crop any portion and show crop dimension


  • Annotate it with rectangles, circles, arrows, lines and text
  • Erase the sensitive information with blur tool


  • One-click Upload the screenshot to and get a sharable link
  • Hard to guess URL to allow private sharing
  • Share the link to twitter, facebook, email etc.

Solution 4:

Method one: using add-ons.

If you are now using Chrome, you can use WebPage Screenshot Chrome extension to save full web page. If what you are using is Firefox, just install Screengrab Firefox extension.

Method two: using online screenshot tools.

There exists many webpage capture tools for you to capture scrolling windows such as Webpage Screenshot Capture, Screenshots, Capturefullpage, etc. Using these web tools to capture scrolling windows is simple, just copy the URL and paste it in the bar, then you can save the window as image format.