Prove $f(S \cap T) \subseteq f(S) \cap f(T)$

Solution 1:

For this one you take an element $x\in f(S\cap T)$. You want to prove that this element is also in $f(S)\cap f(T)$. That is, you want to prove that $x\in f(S)$ and also $x\in f(T)$. Now since $x\in f(S\cap T)$ you know that there is some $y\in S\cap T$ such that $x = f(y)$. Now $y\in S\cap T$ so in particular $y\in S$, so that means $x = f(y) \in f(S)$. The same argument works to show that $x\in f(T)$.

Hence in all $x$ is both an element of $f(S)$ and $f(T)$, so $x\in f(S)\cap f(T)$.

Solution 2:

$y \in f(S\cap T)$ means $y=f(x)$ for some $x\in S\cap T$.

That means $y=f(x)$ for some $x$ for which $x\in S$ and $x\in T$.

That implies $y=f(x)$ for some $x\in S$, so $y\in f(S)$, and for the same reason, $y\in f(T)$.

Since $y \in f(S)$ and $y\in f(T)$, we have $y\in f(S)\cap f(T)$.

So we have proved that if $y\in f(S\cap T)$ then $y\in f(S)\cap f(T)$.

That is true of every value of $y$.

Thus every member of $f(S\cap T)$ is a member of $f(S)\cap f(T)$.

That's what it means to say $f(S\cap T)\subseteq f(S)\cap f(T)$.