Disable Browser Link - which toolbar

I want to disable visual studios browser link. I found this question: How can I disable __vwd/js/artery in VS.NET 2013? and many other resources saying I should untick "Enable Browser Link" in the toolbar, but that toolbar doesn't show up in my visual studio. I've enabled all the debug toolbars but still no browser link button.

Solution 1:


This should explain how to turn off browser link. You could do it via web.config:

    <add key="vs:EnableBrowserLink" value="false"></add>

or do it from the toolbar:

What Browser Link looks like in the Toolbar

If that button isn't available, go to VIEW > Toolbars > Standard and make sure it's checked. Keep in mind it's only available in VS2013 and later.

Solution 2:

My refresh button was to the right in VS 2015 in case this helps anyone:

shows refresh button for enable browser link in vs 2015