'I watch less TV than you' or 'I watch TV less than you' [closed]

Which one is grammatically correct or idiomatic?

  1. I watch less/more TV than you.

  2. I watch TV less/more than you.

  1. I have less/more money than you.

  2. I have money less/more than you.

You can say either:

  • I've got money, more than you (do).
  • I've got more money than you (do).

  • I watch TV, more than you (do).

  • I watch more TV than you (do).

"I have money less..." is non-idiomatic and I don't think you'll hear someone saying it.

The first is grammatically correct.

The second is idiomatically omitting the word "often".

I watch TV less [often] than you.