Why does reading a record struct fields from std::istream fail, and how can I fix it?
One viable solution is to reorder input fields (if this is possible)
ID Age Forename Lastname
1267867 32 John Smith
67545 36 Jane Doe
8677453 56 Gwyneth Miller
75543 23 J. Ross Unusual
and read in the records as follows
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
struct Person {
unsigned int id;
std::string name;
uint8_t age;
// ...
int main() {
std::istream& ifs = std::cin; // Open file alternatively
std::vector<Person> persons;
Person actRecord;
unsigned int age;
while(ifs >> actRecord.id >> age &&
std::getline(ifs, actRecord.name)) {
actRecord.age = uint8_t(age);
return 0;
You have whitespace between firstname and lastname. Change your class to have firstname and lastname as separate strings and it should work. The other thing you can do is to read in two separate variables such as name1
and name2
and assign it as
actRecord.name = name1 + " " + name2;
Here's an implementation of a manipulator I came up with that counts the delimiter through each extracted character. Using the number of delimiters you specify, it will extract words from the input stream. Here's a working demo.
template<class charT>
struct word_inserter_impl {
word_inserter_impl(std::size_t words, std::basic_string<charT>& str, charT delim)
: str_(str)
, delim_(delim)
, words_(words)
{ }
friend std::basic_istream<charT>&
operator>>(std::basic_istream<charT>& is, const word_inserter_impl<charT>& wi) {
typename std::basic_istream<charT>::sentry ok(is);
if (ok) {
std::istreambuf_iterator<charT> it(is), end;
std::back_insert_iterator<std::string> dest(wi.str_);
while (it != end && wi.words_) {
if (*it == wi.delim_ && --wi.words_ == 0) {
dest++ = *it++;
return is;
std::basic_string<charT>& str_;
charT delim_;
mutable std::size_t words_;
template<class charT=char>
word_inserter_impl<charT> word_inserter(std::size_t words, std::basic_string<charT>& str, charT delim = charT(' ')) {
return word_inserter_impl<charT>(words, str, delim);
Now you can just do:
while (ifs >> actRecord.id >> word_inserter(2, actRecord.name) >> actRecord.age) {
std::cout << actRecord.id << " " << actRecord.name << " " << actRecord.age << '\n';
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