How to use eth1 as failsafe system for eth0?
Solution 1:
What you are looking to set up is called Network Bonding.
This is also called "port trunking or link aggregation (which) means combining several network interfaces (NICs) to a single link, providing either high-availability, load-balancing, maximum throughput, or a combination of these."
In this case, you will want to set up a Mode 1 active-backup bonding configuration.
Install package to allowing interface bonding**
First, you will need to install the ifenslave package which allows interfaces to be added and removed from a bonding group.
Install the ifenslave package from the Ubuntu Software Center:
or, you can install the package from the command line:
sudo apt-get install ifenslave-2.6
Modify config to load bonding module
Next, you will modify your
file to ensure that the bonding module is loaded.sudo gedit /etc/modules
and add the following line to the bottom of the file:bonding mode=active-backup miimon=100 max_bonds=2 primary=eth0
The miimon option tells how often to monitor(in milliseconds) the interface for failure and can be adjusted as needed.
load the bonding kernel module:
sudo modprobe bonding
Define the bond group
Finally, you will define the bond group in the file
and restart the networking service.sudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces/
auto bond0 iface bond0 inet static address gateway netmask network broadcast bond-slaves none bond-mode 1 bond-miimon 100 post-up ifenslave bond0 eth0 eth1 pre-down ifenslave -d bond0 eth0 eth1 auto eth0 iface eth0 inet manual bond-master bond0 bond-primary eth0 eth1 auto eth1 iface eth1 inet manual bond-master bond0 bond-primary eth0 eth1
Restart the networking service
sudo service networking restart
Note: This does not allow for bonding between two different network types (i.e. You cannot bond between an ethernet card and a wireless connection.)
Also, this has nothing to do with multi-homing between two ISPs and is beyond the scope of this question.
Solution 2:
You need network bonding.
Bonding, also called port trunking or link aggregation means combining several network interfaces (NICs) to a single link, providing either high-availability, load-balancing, maximum throughput, or a combination of these.
Install ifenslave (sudo apt-get install ifenslave-2.6
), and configure /etc/network/interfaces
like this:
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet manual
auto eth1
iface eth1 inet manual
auto bond0
iface bond0 inet static
slaves eth0 eth1
bond-mode active-backup