Mounted drives appearing twice in lists

I have mounted a couple of network shares with my etc/fstab file - it works great, just like it's supposed to, but unfortunately every mounted drive keeps appearing twice!

When clicking one of the duplicates, an error is shown; Unable to mount: [mountname]. Mount: According to mtab, [mount address], is already mounted on [local mountpoint]. Mount failed.

Here's how each mountpoint looks in my etc/fstab:

// /media/backups cifs defaults,user=myUserName,pass=myPassWord,iocharset=utf8,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777 0 0

What can I do to make sure that my mounted drives only are listed once?

Solution 1:

This is a know bug and I could not find a proper solution. Apparently the bug might be triggered by custom options on the fstab line.

See and

Solution 2:

(Further to what @user4124 said and their links) In you FSTAB lines make sure you do not use the user option as this is one of the triggers for the double-up.