Dwarf Fortress - Haven't Been Attacked

Solution 1:

There is a few reasons why you've not had anyone attack...

Normally attacks occur after your fortress has exceeded a certain value, and if you haven't yet passed this then you won't get many/any attackers. You can try engraving to raise the value of the fort, to cause some attackers to come.

Also, it's possible that the attackers are far far away, this means they'll take longer to get to you, sometimes a number of years can pass without incident, only to suddenly get attacked when you were starting to think there was nothing out there, and you'd recycled those walls to build more bedrooms...

And finally it's possible there isn't anything out there. Sometimes other civilizations will be wiped out, or simply never spawn due to the spawning mechanics (which in turn effects the world generation.)

To see if you've maybe been involved in wars/attacks/other things and not realised (maybe a dog scared off a sneaky goblin you didn't notice?) hit C and it'll show ANY civ's you've interacted with, be that by wars, or trade (and it'll show the dwarven civ you've come from).

If you're looking for a fight, dig deeper brave dwarf...

Solution 2:

Here's a couple simple things to check:

  1. It is entirely possible that during world gen all other civilizations have died off. If this is the case, you will never get invaded, etc., though you should still come under fire from Mega and Forgotten Beasts. A subset of this case is embarking on an isolated island or continent -- there might be elves or goblins in the world, they just can't reach you. You can check this by viewing the neighbors tab on the embark screen. (Press Tab to change modes)

enter image description here

(If the neighbors tab only has Dwarves, you will never be invaded / receive traders)

  1. You have not met the Wealth Threshold for invasions and/or megabeasts. Just make more stuff, and they will come!

  2. Invaders are turned off in the config. Check "d_init.txt" inside /installation_folder/data/init to see what the settings are. There are also "d_init.txt" files within each save directory, so you can tweak these on a game-by-game basis. Depending on where you downloaded the game from, this might have been set to "OFF". enter image description here