Strange unusable items in Camp McCarran (Get your flint on)

In Camp McCarran, along with other areas of the wasteland, I have found "named" items (those which have a name when the cursor is above them) which can not be interacted with.

The latest example is the Flint with accompanying Welding Gun in Camp McCarran. Do these have any known uses? Are they cut content? Are they part of a quest and only become usable later?

I am tormented by these fiendish uninteractable devils.

Solution 1:

According to the wiki, the Flint and the Welding gun are indeed uninteractable and cannot even be picked up. There's no information if they were to be used for crafting or any other way. No marked quest in the game uses them up to this moment. They could become crafting items if future DLC packs add more crafting recipes and make them usable, but until now, with Dead Money and Honest Hearts, that hasn't happened yet.

Solution 2:

There's a mod on FNV Nexus that allows you to use welding guns as crafting stations. The mod is an alternative repairer and the welding guns are used to make armour plating to repair heavy armour. That is the only way (using a mod) I have seen you be able to use these items.