Origin of the "triple comma" or "comma ellipsis" [closed]

Occasionally I see someone write out sentences,,, like this,,, with exactly three commas. The first time I saw it I thought it was a personal idiosyncrasy, but I've seen it enough times now that I wonder: is there some obscure origin or history to this practice?

(,,, like this,,,)-type writing style is not a proper English writing style.Moreover, we normally use dots for ellipses not comas.However, I have seen (,,, like this,,,)-type writing style in web media in other languages than English due to wrong usage of two-alphabets keyboard (one alphabet being English alphabet) where the key that has the sign for dot can be confused with English alphabet key for coma,,,.Or it may be just laziness on the part of the person typing in the web site, bearing in mind that most web users have not received any typing lessons in their own language or in English using a dual alphabet keyboard.