How to set volume in xubuntu?

I want to set via my Media Keys, so I first have to find out the terminal-command.

Outputs are:

amixer set Master 10%- amixer: Unable to find simple control 'Master',0

amixer scontrols Simple mixer control 'IEC958',0

amixer set 'IEC958' 50%- amixer: Invalid command!

How can i fix that?

Solution 1:

You might try the command

$ amixer -c 1 set Master 10%-

The parameter -c specifes another audio card.

Solution 2:

If the packages xfce4-mixer and xfce4-volumed are installed you shouldn't have any problem:


This is the frontend for mixer settings delivered together with the Xfce4 desktop environment. It does the same jobs other mixer frontends do but is integrated into the Xfce4 desktop as a plugin for the Xfce4 main panel.


This is a volume keys control daemon for Xfce Desktop environment. It controls the volume using multimedia keys, for the card configured in xfce4-mixer. It also provides volume change notifications.

Edit: I was also searching for a definitive answer and ran across this which also lead me to see this

Now, the problem "Volumed points to sound card, and when I mute with Fn+keyboard, it mutes pulseaudio but cannot unmute it"!

So this issue was Solved using this application PULSEMIXER