Find html element which id starts with

my question is this:

I have HTML code in multiple pages, on each of them I used a JQgrid (jquery grid) for display some data. I knew that on each of those pages, the element that holds the JQgrid is named as "LIST_xxx". Now I need to make a javascript that takes that element "LIST_XXXX" on each page and does some stuff. How could I search for an element by ID but only knowing its initial part (of the ID ,like i mentioned previously):

$('#list_[XXXX]')... --> The part surrounded by [] is variable on each page, i want to discriminate that.

I hope i made myself clear. Thanks.



It should work

You need to use the attribute starts with selector, like this:


Give that element a common class name or some other attribute you can query for.

Use the "attribute starts with" selector


Be aware that this is inefficient. Prefix with the tag name and descend from the nearest parent if possible.