An entire function whose real part is bounded must be constant.


This is exercise 15.d chapter 3 of Stein & Shakarchi's "Complex Analysis", they hint: "Use the maximum modulus principle", but I didn't see how to do the exercise with this hint rightaway, instead I knew how to do it with the Casorati-Weiestrass Theorem, here is my answer:

Define $g(z)=f(1/z)$ for $z\neq{0}$,then by the hypothesis we must have that for any $\epsilon>0$ $g(D_{\epsilon>0}(0)-\{0\})$ is not dense in $\mathbb{C}$, then the singularity at $0$ of $g$ is not essential, this implies $f$ must be a polynomial, but if $f$ is a non-constant polynomial, it is easy to see that its real part must be unbounded, so $f$ must be constant.

I would like to know an answer with the the maximum modulus principle.


As other posters have commented, the standard approach here would be to invoke Liouville's Theorem. One way to do this is to consider the entire function $e^{f(z)}$.

Observe that $|e^{f(z)}| = e^{\Re f(z)}$, which is bounded by our assumption on $\Re f(z)$.

Then $e^{f(z)}$ is an entire bounded function, and hence (by Liouville's Theorem) constant.

From this, we conclude that $f(z)$ is constant as well.

A simpler way is to use Liouville's Theorem: consider $g(z) = 1/(1+b - f(z))$ where $\text{Re}(f(z)) \le b$.

Let $f(z) $ be an entire function with real part bounded,then

$f(z)$ is entire$\implies \phi(z)=e^{f(z)}$ entire

$\implies \vert\phi(z)\vert=\vert e^{f(z)}\vert= e^{Re(f(z))} \le e^M$ ,Where $Re(z) \le M$ for some fixed $M \in \mathbb R$

$\implies \phi(z)$ is constant,by Liouville's theorem

$\implies\phi'(z)=e^{f(z)}f'(z)=0\forall z\in \mathbb C$

$\implies f'(z)=0 $ in $\mathbb C$,since $e^{f(z)}\neq 0$ in $\mathbb C$

$\implies f(z)$ is constant