How important is the order of columns in indexes?

Look at an index like this:

  1   2   3
|   | 1 |   |
| A |---|   |
|   | 2 |   |
|---|---|   |
|   |   |   |
|   | 1 | 9 |
| B |   |   |
|   |---|   |
|   | 2 |   |
|   |---|   |
|   | 3 |   |
|---|---|   |

See how restricting on A first, as your first column eliminates more results than restricting on your second column first? It's easier if you picture how the index must be traversed across, column 1, then column 2, see that lopping off most of the results in the fist pass makes the 2nd step that much faster.

Another case, if you queried on column 3, the optimizer wouldn't even use the index, because it's not helpful at all in narrowing down the result sets. Anytime you're in a query, narrowing down the number of results to deal with before the next step means better performance.

Since the index is also stored this way, there's no backtracking across the index to find the first column when you're querying on it.

In short: No, it's not for show, there are real performance benefits.

The order of columns is critical. Now which order is correct it depends on how you are going to query it. An index can be used to do an exact seek or an range scan. An exact seek is when values for all columns in the index are specified and the query lands exactly on the row is interested in. For seeks the order of columns is irrelevant. A range scan is when only some columns are specified, and in this case when the order becomes important. SQL Server can use an index for a range scan only if the leftmost column is specified, and then only if the next leftmost column is specified, and so on. If you have an index on (A,B,C) it can be used to range scan for A=@a, for A=@a AND B=@b but not for B=@b, for C=@c norB=@b AND C=@c. The case A=@a AND C=@c is mixed one, as in the A=@a portion will use the index, but the C=@c not (the query will scan all B values for A=@a, will not 'skip' to C=@c). Other database systems have the so called 'skip scan' operator that can take some advantage of inner columns in an index when the outer columns are not specified.

With that knowledge in hand you can look at the index definitions again. An index on (MostSelective, SecondMost, Least) will be effective only when MostSelective column is specified. But that being the most selective, the relevance of the inner columns will quickly degrade. Very often you'll find that a better index is on (MostSelective) include (SecondMost, Least) or on (MostSelective, SecondMost) include (Least). Because the inner columns are less relevant, placing low selectivity columns in such right positions in the index makes them nothing but noise for a seek, so it makes sense to move them out of the intermediate pages and keep them only on the leaf pages, for query coverability purposes. In other words, move them to INCLUDE. This becomes more important as the size of Least column increases. The idea is that this index can only benefit queries that specify MostSelective either as an exact value or a range, and that column being the most selective it already restricts the candidate rows to great extent.

On the other hand an index on (Least, SecondMost, MostSelective) may seem a mistake, but it actually quite a powerful index. Because it has the Least column as its outermost query, it can be used for queries that have to aggregate results on low selectivity columns. Such queries are prevalent in OLAP and analysis data warehouses, and this is exactly where such indexes have a very good case going for them. Such indexes actually make excellent clustered indexes, exactly because they organize the physical layout on large chunks of related rows (same Least value, which usually indicate some sort of category or type) and they facilitate analysis queries.

So, unfortunately, there is no 'correct' order. You shouldn't follow any cookie cutter recipe but instead analyze the query pattern you are going to use against those tables and decide which index column order is right.

As Remus says it depends on your workload.

I want to address a misleading aspect of the accepted answer though.

For queries that are performing an equality search on all columns in the index there is no significant difference.

The below creates two tables and populates them with identical data. The only difference is that one has the keys ordered from most to least selective and the other the reverse.

CREATE TABLE Table1(MostSelective char(800), SecondMost TINYINT, Least  CHAR(1), Filler CHAR(4000) null);
CREATE TABLE Table2(MostSelective char(800), SecondMost TINYINT, Least  CHAR(1), Filler CHAR(4000) null);

CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX MyINDX on Table1(MostSelective,SecondMost,Least);
CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX MyINDX2 on Table2(Least,SecondMost,MostSelective);

INSERT INTO Table1 (MostSelective, SecondMost, Least)
output inserted.* into Table2
SELECT TOP 26 REPLICATE(CHAR(number + 65),800), number/5, '~'
FROM master..spt_values
WHERE type = 'P' AND number >= 0
ORDER BY number;

Now doing a query against both of the tables...

FROM   Table1
WHERE  MostSelective = REPLICATE('P', 800)
       AND SecondMost = 3
       AND Least = '~';

FROM   Table2
WHERE  MostSelective = REPLICATE('P', 800)
       AND SecondMost = 3
       AND Least = '~'; 

... Both of them use an index fine and both are given the exact same cost.

enter image description here

The ASCII art in the accepted answer is not in fact how indexes are structured. The index pages for Table1 are represented below (click the image to open in full size).

enter image description here

The index pages contain rows containing the whole key (in this case there is actually an additional key column appended for the row identifier as the index was not declared as unique but that can be disregarded further information about this can be found here).

For the query above SQL Server doesn't care about the selectivity of the columns. It does a binary search of the root page and discovers that the Key (PPP...,3,~ ) is >=(JJJ...,1,~ ) and < (SSS...,3,~ ) so it should read page 1:118. It then does a binary search of the key entries on that page and locates the leaf page to travel down to.

Altering the index in order of selectivity doesn't affect either the expected number of key comparisons from the binary search or the number of pages that need to be navigated to do an index seek. At best it might marginally speed up the key comparison itself.

Sometimes ordering the most selective index first will make sense for other queries in your workload though.

E.g if the workload contains queries of both the following forms.

SELECT * ... WHERE  MostSelective = 'P'

SELECT * ...WHERE Least = '~'

The indexes above aren't covering for either of them. MostSelective is selective enough to make a plan with a seek and lookups worthwhile but the query against Least isn't.

However this scenario (non covering index seek on subset of leading column(s) of a composite index) is only one possible class of query that can be helped by an index. If you never actually search by MostSelective on its own or a combination of MostSelective, SecondMost and always search by a combination of all three columns then this theoretical advantage is useless to you.

Conversely queries such as

SELECT MostSelective,
FROM   Table2
WHERE  Least = '~'
ORDER  BY SecondMost,

Would be helped by having the reverse order of the commonly prescribed one - as it covers the query, can support a seek and returns rows in the desired order to boot.

So this is an often repeated piece of advice but at most it's a heuristic about the potential benefit to other queries - and it is no substitute for actually looking at your workload.