Add a menu item to KDE Launcher

  1. Right click on Kickoff.
  2. Edit applications...
  3. Mark the folder you want it in, e.g. Development. Click on New.
  4. Fill in the name you want.
  5. Add the actual command and click on the square next to name to change the icon. There is an icon in the eclipse directory.
  6. Click Save.

This was recently updated (KDE >= 5.19 at least), so the marked answer is no longer correct. To add a new program, do the following:

  1. Right click Application Launcher, select Edit Applications...
  2. Select New Item
  3. Fill it out and hit Save

Tested on centos-6.5 with kde plasma. Create an APP_NAME.desktop file as follows(Example for Yed graph editor application ) and place it into /usr/share/applications/.

[Desktop Entry] Name=yEd Graph Editor Comment=yEd Graph Editor Exec=/opt/yed-3.18.2/ Icon=/opt/yed-3.18.2/icons/yicon16.png Terminal=false Type=Application