Libreoffice Presenter Console in single window

I've been looking for a way to do the same thing.

While still quite clumsy, this is the simplest method I have found so far:

You will need to install Xephyr (which lets you start an X server in a window) and a light window manager like xfwm4:

sudo apt-get install Xephyr xfwm4

Then start up Xephyr with two screens:

Xephyr +xinerama -screen 800x600 -origin 800x0 -screen 800x600 :1 &

Then start a window manager on the new server:

DISPLAY=:1 xfwm4 &

Then start impress:

DISPLAY=:1 libreoffice --impress &

I wish it weren't this complicated. Having an option in Impress to view the console on a single monitor setup would be very useful when practicing presentations.

I found a macro on the Libreoffice community site that lets one manually toggle presenter mode without a second screen.

Add show presenter view in Impress | Ask LibreOffice

Not the cleanest solution, but seems nicer than launching a second x-server.