Android Studio Gradle Error: Multiple dex files define

I'm getting this error when trying to build my project in Android Studio (I'm trying to migrate from Eclipse):

UNEXPECTED TOP-LEVEL EXCEPTION: Multiple dex files define Landroid/support/v4/accessibilityservice/AccessibilityServiceInfoCompat$AccessibilityServiceInfoVersionImpl; at

after googling and checking stackoverflow the most likely cause is duplicate library references.
I have a number of libraries in my project such as Facebook SDK, SlidingMenu, etc. that required android-support-v4.jar, so I copied that into my main project's /libs folder and subsequently removed it from all the other projects libs folder. Then I went to "Open Module Settings" and added the support-v4 as a library dependency for the libraries that needed it (e.g. Facebook SDK).
Then clean project -> run but I'm still getting this multiple dex files error

running gradle -q dependencies shows:

+--- project :facebook-android-sdk-3.5.1:facebook
|    \--- -> 19.1.0
+--- project :SlidingMenu:library
|    \--- -> 19.1.0

Is that okay? If I remove this library dependency in the Module Settings then I will get even more errors while trying to compile my project

Solution 1:

In your build.gradle file try adding the following block inside your android block.

dexOptions {
    preDexLibraries = false

Solution 2:

Just a Clean Build worked for me , Just do this in Android Studio:

Got to Build > Clean Project

See image for reference

Solution 3:

dexOptions {
    preDexLibraries = false


Got to Build > Clean Project


Got to Build > Rebuild Project