How to open Bootstrap dropdown programmatically

I'm trying to open a Bootstrap dropdown when I click a item of another dropdown.

The idea is to select a city from the first drop down - then the script will auto open the second dropdown with areas (and show only areas corresponding to the chosen city).

Here is my JS:

$('#sidebar_filter_city li').click(function(){   

and this is the HTML:

<div class="dropdown form-control">
   <div data-toggle="dropdown" id="sidebar_filter_cities" class="sidebar_filter_menu" data-value="jersey-city">Jersey City<span class="caret caret_sidebar"></span></div>           
   <input type="hidden" name="advanced_city" value="jersey-city">
   <ul id="sidebar_filter_city" class="dropdown-menu filter_menu" role="menu" aria-labelledby="sidebar_filter_cities">
      <li role="presentation" data-value="">All Cities</li>
      <li role="presentation" data-value="jersey-city">Jersey City</li>
      <li role="presentation" data-value="london">London</li>
      <li role="presentation" data-value="new-york">New York</li>

<div class="dropdown form-control">
    <div data-toggle="dropdown" id="sidebar_filter_areas" class="sidebar_filter_menu">All Areas<span class="caret caret_sidebar"></span> </div>           
        <input type="hidden" name="advanced_area" value="">
           <ul id="sidebar_filter_area" class="dropdown-menu filter_menu" role="menu" aria-labelledby="sidebar_filter_areas">
               <li role="presentation" data-value="">All Areas</li>
               <li role="presentation" data-value="east-harlem" data-parentcity="">East Harlem</li>
               <li role="presentation" data-value="greenville" data-parentcity="">Greenville</li>
               <li role="presentation" data-value="manhattan" data-parentcity="">Manhattan</li>
               <li role="presentation" data-value="northern-brooklyn" data-parentcity="">Northern Brooklyn</li>


Solution 1:

The best way is to check if the dropdown is not already open, and then to use .dropdown('toggle').

Couple things to be aware of:

  • If you want to trigger it by clicking on another element, you must kill the click event on the other element- otherwise Bootstrap will treat it as a click outside of the dropdown and immediately close it.
  • $('.dropdown').addClass('open') is not a good replacement for $('.dropdown-toggle').dropdown('toggle') as suggested in other answers, because it will cause the dropdown to stay permanently open instead of closing when you click off of the component.


<button class="btn btn-secondary trigger_button">Trigger dropdown</button><br><br>
<div class="dropdown">
  <button class="btn btn-secondary dropdown-toggle" type="button" data-toggle="dropdown">
  <div class="dropdown-menu">


  // Kill click event:
  // Toggle dropdown if not already visible:
  if ($('.dropdown').find('.dropdown-menu').is(":hidden")){

Fiddle example

Solution 2:

For Bootstrap 3 you can just add the 'open' class to the dropdown tag. Removing it closes the dropdown.

$('.dropdown').addClass('open'); // Opens the dropdown
$('.dropdown').removeClass('open'); // Closes it

This may work in other versions, but I'm not sure.

Solution 3:

Bootstrap's dropdown plugin waits for '' event to show the menu, so in this case:


should work. This will not trigger other 'click' events on same element if any.

Solution 4:

dropdown('toggle') works great for me when using the button tag.




<button class="dropdown-toggle ban" role="button" data-toggle="dropdown" data-target="#" id="mybutton">...</button>

Solution 5:

You need to stop the click event from bubbling to parent elements

$('#sidebar_filter_city li').click(function(e){   

You can also use return false; which will do the same thing, but this will also preventDefault on the click.