Center a div in CSS [closed]

The text-align: center; only centers the element's inline contents, not the element itself.

If it is a block element (a div is), you need to set margin: 0 auto;, else if it is an inline element, you need to set the text-align: center; on its parent element instead.

The margin: 0 auto; will set top and bottom margin to 0 and left and right margin to auto (of the same size) so that it automagically puts itself in the center. This only works if the block element in question has a known width (either fixed or relative), else it cannot figure where to start and end.

text-align should not be used to center a block element. (except in IE6, but this is a bug)

You have to fix the width of the block, then use margin: 0 auto;

   width: 200px;
   border: 1px solid red;
   margin: 0 auto;


<div id="#block">Some text... Lorem ipsum</div>

One way :

<div align="center">you content</div>

Better way:

<div id="myDiv">you content</div>

CSS for myDIV:

margin:0px auto;

Provided width is set, and you put a proper DOCTYPE,

Try this:

 Margin-left: auto;
 Margin-right: auto;

Hope this helps

