Capture virtual machine traffic in Fiddler

There are quite a few alternatives for Fiddler on Linux, some that I would even consider better. Two that come to mind are Nettool and Paros (Paros Proxy). Both are Java based (multiplatform) and Paros is my personal preference.

It is possible. The following steps worked for me with Windows 7 Enterprise running Ubuntu 10 in VMWare Player 4.0.1

  1. In Ubuntu VM visit the Network Proxy dialog (System > Preferences > Network Proxy)
  2. Select "Manual proxy configuration"
  3. Enter host (Windows) IP addresss and port 8888 (unless you have changed that default in Fiddler)
  4. Close dialog
  5. Open Fiddler options, select the Connections tab, ensure that "Allow remote computers to connect" is enabled. If it's not, enable it and restart Fiddler.