In what order do I have to extinguish the puzzle signs in the Gargoyle Contract quest?

There seem to be multiple different puzzles, and which one is finally used in a room seems to be random.

There are three rooms in total where you must extinguish the signs in the correct order. They are all underground, look for stairs leading down in the three locations marked on this map:enter image description here

The descriptions of the signs are in the Books of Magical Signs Volumes 1-4, they are as following:

art = harp
war = clenched fist
thunder = striking lightning bolt
death = scythe
sky = line within parallelogram, pursed mouth
butterfly = line crossed twice
weather = arrow sliced in half
reason = bear dancing on dew
time = open hourglass or chalice
life = blossoming flower
animal = snake creeping along riverbead
fate = cross within circle

I've only had 4 different runes in my game, I identified them as the following


/ / /


\  /
/  \


|\ |
| \|


|   /
| /

The clues in each room are numbered, there appear to be at least 6 different ones.

First encrypted rune combination:

A doe's shadow
The moon quietly moans
It is autumm already

Solution: animal sky art time

Second encrypted rune combination:

Three field mice
Dance in a circle at dusk
Stars are like grain

Solution: animal art time sky

Third encrypted rune combination:

Glittering fish
Dying on a fresco
Struck by lightning

Solution: animal time art sky

Fourth encrypted rune combination:

Behold the comet
It is like a wolf in times of scarceness
An evil lullaby.

Solution: sky animal time art

Fifth encrypted rune combination:

Coulds are like bees
When bells ring

Solution: art sky animal time

Sixth encrypted rune combination:

On the dark sky
The beauty of a falcon's flight
Faster and faster

Solution: sky art animal time

About the amphitheater:
Let's assume we don't have a solution. How do we solve the puzzle?

Clouds are like bees: this one is pretty obvious: sky and animal.

When bells ring: more or less obvious, since when = time, but could also be a reference to "For whom the bell tolls", ergo, death. Still a bit of a long shot.

Divertimento! is haunting me, though.
It means "fun" in italian, and it also is a musical genre, generally composed for a small ensemble, this also is a light-hearted, good-mood music, also far away from the notion of death.

So I moved on and did a bit of letter swapping and realized "Divertimento" contains the letters of the word Morte in italian, meaning death. That is the best I could get so far.

Also, Mozart wrote his divertimento (K. 522, "The Musical Joke") 8 days after the death of his muse bird, Baptista. This one is really funny.

Since Fabian stated that Divertimento does not mean death, I need to correct my efforts in that direction and stay with art (music).