Does anyone have experience with buying an officially unlocked iPhone 4 in the US? [closed]

Does anyone has experience buying an iPhone 4 to be unlocked (oficially by Apple) in the US?

iPhones are unlocked by Apple, after you request the unlock to your carrier (once you have paid the subsidy). Since Apple Stores allow buying iPhones at full price now (for gifts, for example), can I buy an iPhone in an Apple Store and immediately after call AT&T to unlock it?

This should be both legal and possible. Heck, even Apple could offer it in their stores. Does anyone have experience with this? Any tips on how to ask for the unlock to AT&T?

No, this isn't possible to do through official channels. The officially unlocked phones are unlocked from the manufacturer; this isn't possible to do after the phone has been provisioned (otherwise the iPhone hacking community would be all over this avenue rather than going after security holes in the baseband to achieve the same effect). Because if their agreement with AT&T, Apple does not sell these units in the US, and every distributor outside of the US has to agree not to sell the units to US customers.

Given what Adam said, your best bet to get an officially unlocked iPhone is (probably) through another country. I don't know about the Western hemisphere countries, but in Europe unlocked iPhones can be purchased in UK, France, Italy, and in several other countries. (In some places only through the Apple online store, in others also through brick-and-mortar Apple or non-Apple stores.)

One quite simple way would be this:

  1. Get an UK "address" from Borderlinx
  2. Order the phone from Apple Store UK to that address (pay normally with your credit card). Note the FAQ which beautifully explains that it's SIM-free.
  3. When Borderlinx gets the shipment they charge you for delivery (don't know about US but to Finland it's about $40) and when you've paid, they ship it to you (with UPS or DHL or similar service).

UK is a bit far from you, so consider checking some nearby countries first for similar services. (Or if you have friends/relatives in some country with unlocked iPhones that's of course even better.)

(UK + Borderlinx is a really popular method right now for getting an unlocked iPhone 4 where I live (as testified by e.g. this 45-page forum thread at local Apple fanboy site). Lots of people hate the SIM-locked & expensive Sonera deals we have.)