Apache RewriteRule for proxying

Solution 1:

Apache 2.4 and later has a directive to remove the X-Forwarded-* headers.

ProxyAddHeaders off


Solution 2:

I got bitten by this. It's a really annoying odd one.

Apache's mod_proxy appends a header, x-forwarded-host, to all outbound requests. It can't be disabled with HeaderRequest unset x-forwarded-host, nor with ProxyVia, nor with ProxyPreseveHost. Nor with anything else I could find.

When Rails sees that header, it uses it to construct the Location: header of any HTTP responses. For reference, in the version of Rails vendor'd with Webistrano 1.4 (the app that was tripping me up with mod_proxy ) the relevant code seems to be on line 88 of vendor/rails/actionpack/lib/action_controller/cgi_process.rb, inside the function host_with_port_without_standard_port_handling.

Now look at the typical example of ProxyPass and ProxyPassReverse that's described everywhere on the net - including (essentially) your question and an alternative answer given here:

<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName proxy.domain.tld
ProxyPass /app1/ http://app1host.internal/
ProxyPassReverse /app1/ http://app1host.internal/

See the problem? It's the PPR line ..

Because Rails/ActionPack/dasFramework, in it's wisdom, is trying to help you by "correcting" the Location: header, the second half of the PPR line isn't correct: instead of matching

Location: http://app1host.internal/redirected/path

mod_proxy will actually see

Location: http://proxy.domain.tld/redirected/path

The fix, luckily, is quite easy - change the above vhost config to:

<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName proxy.domain.tld
ProxyPass /app1/ http://app1host.internal/
ProxyPassReverse /app1/ http://proxy.domain.tld/

If you have more than one app being proxied in the vhost, be aware that you'll need to put the PPRs inside Location sections at the very least to differentiate them.

Solution 3:

You may find it easier to use ProxyPass instead of mod_rewrite to do what you're trying to do. It may not solve your problem, but it would certainly make your config file a bit cleaner:

ProxyPass        /cit/          http://test.example.com:3000/
ProxyPassReverse /cit/          http://test.example.com:3000/

You might like to try using something like tcpflow or wireshark to see exactly what headers apache is using to proxy the request.