Restore the state of std::cout after manipulating it

Suppose I have a code like this:

void printHex(std::ostream& x){
int main(){
    std::cout<<100; // prints 100 base 10
    printHex(std::cout); //prints 123 in hex
    std::cout<<73; //problem! prints 73 in hex..

My question is if there is any way to 'restore' the state of cout to its original one after returning from the function? (Somewhat like std::boolalpha and std::noboolalpha..) ?


you need to #include <iostream> or #include <ios> then when required:

std::ios_base::fmtflags f( cout.flags() );

//Your code here...

cout.flags( f );

You can put these at the beginning and end of your function, or check out this answer on how to use this with RAII.

The Boost IO Stream State Saver seems exactly what you need. :-)

Example based on your code snippet:

void printHex(std::ostream& x) {
    boost::io::ios_flags_saver ifs(x);
    x << std::hex << 123;