"Where is FinderSyncAPIExtension?" (Google Drive)

Solution 1:

I located the Google Drive app (/Applications) and clicked that. GDrive then continued to sync without errors. I'm not sure if this is the correct solution, I only tried it once (just 2 minutes ago) but so far so good.

Solution 2:

the solution is very simple, just click on the browse button and select the Google Drive app Icon in your applications folder, and that's it! not pop-ups windows any more. enjoy!

Solution 3:

This may be of use: https://forums.insynchq.com/t/mac-how-to-fix-issues-on-the-new-finder-sync-extension-file-icon-overlays-and-context-menu-in-os-x-10-10-above/3465

Basically it says to go to System Preferences>Extensions and make sure that not more than one cloud file system is set on Finder. Only one can do it at a time: so that’s what causes FinderSyncAPIExtension to crash.

Solution 4:

The google drive app seems to sync regardless of the pop up being satisfied. However, the pop up keeps popping up on my system such that I may have three or four of them splattered all over my computer screens, disabling my ability to see necessary program windows they insist on being atop of. Ignoring the pop up is not really an option and there seems to be no way to show the pop up where the extension is since the browser can not be directed to the "hidden" folder in the google app.