What words can I use to indicate how hungry I am?

Besides "I'm hungry" and "I'm starving", where starving is more than hungry, are there other phrases to indicate how hungry you are (including slangs, if any)?

Solution 1:

My own favourite is esurient. Other than that, ravenous and famished are both quite strong. Malnourished, undernourished, underfed indicate chronicity. Empty is used informally, as is peckish (which is British).

Solution 2:

I could eat a horse is a commonly used phrase.

I've just come across "Hungry as a wolf" credited as Italian, Turkish and Cornish phrases to mean "very hungry" but I've not heard this in English before.

Solution 3:

I guess this is more upper-class/formal, but you could say

I'm famished; I could eat an entire elephant.

You could also say, though I'm not sure how "idiomatic" this is:

My stomach is growling.

Solution 4:

I sometimes say I'm peckish when I'm slightly hungry. It's not quite as strong as saying I'm famished or starving.

Solution 5:

I've got the munchies!