How to take screenshot of an X11 based GUI from a text terminal (such as tty1)?

I tried using DISPLAY=:0 import -window root "$HOME/Pictures/screenshot.png" (import is part of the ImageMagick suite), but that just displays a black screen.

I want to do this as I wanted to automate opening an app and taking screenshots of it in different languages, and to change languages, I need to restart lightdm. therefore, run on a tty so your script continues running...

Solution 1:

In addition to the existing answers, to display the screenshot in ASCII in the terminal:

xwd -root -display :0 | convert - jpg:- | jp2a - --colors

(Requires x11-apps for xwd, imagemagick for convert and jp2a.)

Solution 2:

Here is solution using xwd, which is is available in almost all Xorg installations:

 xwd -root -out screenshot.xwd

The screenshot.xwd file can be opened with GIMP:

For more info see