Avoid creating backscatter on a Postfix forwarding server

I run a Postfix server that hosts a small, alias-based mailing list. Let's say people@myserver forwards to alice@someprovider and bob@someotherprovider. Now, alice@someprovider might use a more restrictive spam filter than I do.

When a spam mail from (forged) backscattervictim@somewhere to people@myserver arrives, and my spam filter detects it as spam, it is rejected in the SMTP phase --> no harm done.

However, when the same mail gets through my server, my server tries to forward it to alice, and her server rejects it during the SMTP phase, my server creates a bounce message to the innocent backscatter victim. (Which makes sense from the point of view of my server, but it's annoying for the backscatter victim.)

Is there a way to prevent this behavior? I don't want to turn off NDRs, since (in general) they serve a legitimate purpose.

If it isn't flagged as spam, but alice rejects the mail, I can't see a way for your Postfix server to not bounce the mail back to the victim, without turning off NDR's :(

Perhaps if alice marked that mail as spam somewhere in the header back to you?