How to read an 8 inch floppy disk

We're doing a component obsolescence project on a very old product. The code hasn't been changed in 20 years, but it may need to be updated now. The entire facility where the product was developed is gone, and I have no records about how the product was developed, other than that the code was written in assembly rather than a higher level language. (A good thing for's easy enough to find an 8051 assembler.)

The other day, I was presented with a floppy disk of 8 inch floppy disk. Does anyone out there know of any way to read this disk or any services in the US that might be able to recover it? I've found one firm in the UK, but I'm not sure I feel comfortable mailing this overseas.

Edit: I don't have any details of the computer system this was used with. At one time, they heavily used HP Apollo workstations, but I'm not sure if this disk pre-dated that setup.

Found this on google:

I'm a satisfied DriveSavers customer. They are in the SF Bay Area.