Run RDP server on Ubuntu 12.10

What's the best way to run a RDP Server on Ubuntu 12.10?

I'd like to run an RDP server on my Desktop running Ubuntu 12.10 and be able to login from another 12.10 machine using the remote login feature at the login screen.

I've installed xrdp but it doesn't seem to work with unity-3d any ideas?

Solution 1:

fyi... xrdp by itself uses VNC on the remote desktop/server to really take advantage of xrdp you also need x11rdp which is often is not provided in the software center etc.

I've found and used the following scarygliders tool that automatically downloads & builds the latest/greatest xrdp and x11rdp on your machine and intalls it for you. It takes a while because of the complexities of building the x11rdp but it has always worked for me.

Then.. with that done.. look into installing guacamole

scaryglider's site:

guacamole site:

with guacamole installed and with xrdp/x11rdp... all you need for remote desktop on your client is a HTML5 capable web browser.

This works very well together and the HTML5 browser doesn't require any plugins for the remote desktop.

Solution 2:

I had this same problem this morning; attempting to install on an EC2 Ubuntu 12.10 instance. I solved it thusly...

After installing gnome and xrdp, install gnome-session-fallback (instead of 2d or 3d)

sudo apt-get install gnome-session-fallback

Then update .xession...

pico .xsession

Add the this line to .xession (remove others)...

gnome-session --session=gnome-fallback

Exit pico by hitting Ctrl + X and hit Y to save when prompted.

Restart xrpd...

/etc/init.d/xrdp restart

You should now be able to connect with your rdp client...

Solution 3:

While they manage to fix Unity with xrdp, I'd suggest to use the gnome desktop, there's a step by step procedure described here:

Solution 4:

Have a look at I'm just trying it after spending hours faffing around with guacamole and installing x11rdp-o-matic and getting nowhere. It's not the ubuntu-native solution, but if it works...?