Increase amount of text copied in iterm2

When I select text in iTerm2, the text it copies cuts off at after a certain (seemingly arbitrary) point. I did a few tests and its usually between 800 and 1500 bytes of input.

Why is this, and how can I change the settings in iTerm2 to allow me to copy all the text I highlight?

Note: I don't have this problem in the default "terminal" application, just in iterm.

Solution 1:

It should copy all text you have selected. You should check under Preferences>Profiles in the Terminal tab how big your scrollback buffer is. However it is specified in lines not bytes.

Solution 2:

To update buffer size of copied text, I followed below steps and worked fine.

  1. Quit iterm2.
  2. Open mac terminal
  3. Execute below commands

    defaults write com.googlecode.iterm2 QuickPasteBytesPerCall -int 1024
    defaults write com.googlecode.iterm2 QuickPasteDelayBetweenCalls -float 0.01

change 1024 (in bytes) and 0.01 (delay) according to your needs.

Found from here