How large is a Smite Arena map in units?

I only asked this question because I thought someone would know a definitive answer, or a way to find out. I used the spell-cast ruler (activated in casting options) to manually eyeball the Arena map.

The ruler is 70 units long. I measured the arena straight down the middle. The arena base, from wall to portal, is about 70 units. Then its about 70 from the portal to the first column, 70 from first column to second column, and then the middle of the arena is about 70 units across. So, it ends up being about ~500 units from wall to wall, measured through the center of the map (70+70+70+70+70+70+70=490).

So, to return to my earlier example, Janus's power Through Space and Time would cast portals the whole length of an arena map, but would never get near the 800 unit damage cap.