What will the third parent be called? [closed]

The treatment which the OP is referring to is mitochondrial replacement. A process that replaces the mother's mitochondria with that of a donor's. Since the mitochondria aren't responsible for inherited traits, it is not a real parentage issue

Therefore, it seems to me that the terms "donor", "genetic donor" or "mitochondrial donor" might be more appropriate.

Alana Saarinen, one of the people who were born using this technique before it was banned, seems to support my contention in a quote to BBC News

"A lot of people say I have facial features from my mum, my eyes look like my dad… I have some traits from them and my personality is the same too. I also have DNA from a third lady. But I wouldn't consider her a third parent, I just have some of her mitochondria."

Donor is the term used in this context. Donor parent may be an appropriate definition:

  • If the British procedure gets the green light, a baby conceived through the technique would receive its key genetic material from its mother and father, and just a small amount of DNA from a donor female, who would remain anonymous.

is it going to be mito-mother

The word mitochondrion comes from the Greek μίτος, mitos, i.e. "thread", and χονδρίον, chondrion, i.e. "granule". please see: enter link description here