How to search for all the files starting with the name "ABC" in a directory?

To complete existing answers:


The default directory list utility ls can be used in combination with the shell's wildcards . To search for all files with pattern abc:

ls -d abc*   # list all files starting with abc---
ls -d *abc*  # list all files containing --abc--
ls -d *abc   # list all files ending with --abc

Note that the file extension is relevant for the search results too.


In case we need to list files in a directory tree we can also issue tree to search for a given pattern like:

tree -P 'abc*'  # list directory tree of file starting with abc---
tree -l 'def*'  # exclude files starting with def---

In this case, tree itself supports wildcards.

You can use find command to search files with pattern

find . -type f -name "abc*" 

The above command will search the file that starts with abc under the current working directory.

-name 'abc' will list the files that are exact match. Eg: abc

You can also use


option with find command to search filename using a pattern