How to get the last element of a slice?

What is the Go way for extracting the last element of a slice?

var slice []int

slice = append(slice, 2)
slice = append(slice, 7)

slice[len(slice)-1:][0] // Retrieves the last element

The solution above works, but seems awkward.

Solution 1:

For just reading the last element of a slice:


For removing it:

sl = sl[:len(sl)-1]

See this page about slice tricks

Solution 2:

You can use the len(arr) function, although it will return the length of the slice starting from 1, and as Go arrays/slices start from index 0 the last element is effectively len(arr)-1


arr := []int{1,2,3,4,5,6} // 6 elements, last element at index 5
fmt.Println(len(arr)) // 6
fmt.Println(len(arr)-1) // 5
fmt.Println(arr[len(arr)-1]) // 6 <- element at index 5 (last element)