The system is running in low-graphics mode error in "Virtualbox"

Solution 1:

I just had the same error with a fresh installed ubuntu 12.04.2 that where just downloaded as well.

Just updating the system was enough for me:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade

Solution 2:

I just recently tried my hand at Ubuntu in VirtualBox and received the same error. For me, the solution was installing the VirtualBox Guest Additions. I followed the instructions listed here, which are essentially:

  1. Before installing the Guest Additions, you will have to prepare your guest system for building external kernel modules:

    sudo apt-get install dkms
  2. Insert the VBoxGuestAdditions.iso CD file into your Linux guest's virtual CD-ROM drive and mount the ISO for the guest additions (it can be found in the VirtualBox installation directory):

    sudo mount /dev/cdrom /cdrom
  3. Change to the directory where your CD-ROM drive is mounted and execute as root:

    sudo sh ./

However, it has been a decade since I used Linux, so I had a little trouble finding out where the CD was mounted. I found a post on the VirtualBox forums that gave me the nudge I needed to setup the mount point for the CD, then I was off and running.

Solution 3:

A Virtual Box Ubuntu behaves very similar to Ubuntu on bare metal. Therefore the solutions from this question

  • How to fix "The system is running in low-graphics mode" error?

mostly hold true as well. However note, that you do not have a graphics card or proprietary drivers in a VM. This will all be handled by the guest additions.

We can enter a TTY for command line repair by press and hold the HOST-key, which in your case is the right Ctrl-key and simultanously press F1 trough F8.

In case your virtual hard drive runs short of memory try first with

sudo apt-get autoremove
sudo apt-get autoclean

to remove no longer needed packages. See also:

  • How do I free up disk space?