Super Bowl commercial

Solution 1:

In the commercial a young boy says that he "will never get cooties", this is illustrated with a scene where a young boy is kissed on the cheek by a girl.

The literal meaning of cooties is lice but the scene in the commercial is decidedly not about lice.

Instead, the expression "getting cooties" as used here derives from a childish expression of fear of the opposite sex.

From OED:

  1. orig. and chiefly U.S. A contagious germ; esp. (chiefly Children's slang) an imaginary germ said to have infected a person of the opposite sex or someone considered socially undesirable. Usually in pl.

There is a fairly widespread notion among young children that the opposite sex have these (purely imaginary) "cooties" and that you too will get cooties if you were to interact. Often this is seen in the context of young boys who think that romance and girls are gross and thus fear "girl cooties".

I think it's safe to say that the actual message of the scene is that this kid will never experience romance/falling in love.