Should I assign dwellers to the storage room?

I've played Fallout Shelter for a while now and normally use dwellers with appropriate SPECIAL stats for each room (Strength in the reactor, Perception in the water supply, etc).

However, I have a question regarding Endurance. The only room which uses this is the storage room. It doesn't produce anything; it has no cooldown; it just does nothing...

Even if I just build and upgrade the warehouse, my stock capacity is increased. Is there any good reason for me to waste my dwellers by assigning them to storage rooms?

While the storage rooms do not produce anything, putting E type dwellers in them will raise their happiness, improving your average happiness rating and earning you more caps from your daily reviews. It will also count towards "Place # dwellers in the right room" objective.

There are no reasons for placing dwellers in the warehouse that are related to actual warehousing, however there are other reasons:

  1. Dwellers with high endurance become happy from being stationed in the warehouse.

    This is useful for doing something about all those 50% happiness dwellers on coffee brake; you can park them in the warehouse instead where they grow happy

    It is also needed for high Endurance dwellers when you get the task to put X dwellers in the right room

  2. Dwellers don't gain experience from being in the warehouse.

    If you are training your dwellers to full endurance before you let them level, this is quite useful. It gives you more accessible place than the door queue to put your dwellers on "hold".

    (Dwellers gain HP each time they level, and the amount of HP gained depends on the Endurance they have at the moment they level. Once they have levelled there is no going back, so you might want your dwellers to stay at level 1 until you have trained them to full endurance.)

  3. Dwellers in a warehouse contain incidents in that warehouse.

    For this reason alone it is worthwhile to have at least one dweller in every warehouse. The single dweller will contain the strength of the incident while you move other dwellers there to fully solve the incident.

    The alternative is to place your warehouses deep down at the bottom of your vault and stagger them, so that incidents can't spread.

    Also note in relation to point (2) that dwellers in a warehouse do gain a bit of experience from preventing incidents, but it is usually so rare for a particular warehouse to have an incident that it is negligible.